
Find Your Place in Missions亞洲的未得之民要禱告 Asia UPG Prayer MissionaryCare Person

2009年12月31日 星期四

2010年 國際差傳協會差傳部固定的台北告會 -

2010 國際差傳協會差傳部固定的台北告會 -
禱告時間: 每一個月;第二星期一晚上7:00-8.30
內容: 為普世宣教-, 為國際差傳協會國際-及台灣區的事工-, 為台灣的宣教事工-,短宣事工及跟國際差傳協會差排的教會禱告 另外: 或許您會發現更多有關神在台灣差傳事工的作為, 更多認識國際差傳台灣區的事工,認識新的禱告同伴。

世界, 每州, 亞美尼亞阿魯巴,奧地利

CNY-God bless the Chinese !
No meeting, praying for missionary family ministries

比利時 - 智利

中國 -埃及

赤道幾內亞- 印度


馬拉威¸ 南非





Timor Lorosae-越南



2009年11月25日 星期三

2009年11月24日 星期二

Visions of Jesus Move Muslim Hearts

What is happening in the Muslim world, when christians begin praying? The account below copied from CBN News can give as an impression.

- The Muslim call to prayer resounds through a large part of the Earth, where more than one billion people call themselves Muslims.Throughout the Islamic world, many Muslims from Gaza to London are also responding to the call to global jihad, where the goal is to take over the world for Islam. It's a clash of civilizations with the Christian faith in the middle. Throughout the nearly 1,400 year history of Islam, Muslims have resisted the Christian Gospel. Many Christians tried to reach them with the good news, but with little success. But according to many reports from the Middle East and around the world, that history is changing.

"I see many, many Arabic-speaking people turning to Christ, accepting Him as Lord and Savior,” said Nizar Shaheen, host of Light for the Nations, a Christian program seen throughout the Muslim world. "It's happening all over the Arab world. It's happening in North Africa. It's happening in the Middle East. It's happening in the Gulf countries. It's happening in Europe and Canada and the United States-in the Arabic-speaking world. Everywhere, people are accepting Jesus."

"What's happening nowadays in the Muslim world has never happened before," said Father Zakaria Boutros, an Egyptian Coptic priest who is one of the foremost evangelists to the Muslim world. He says a cross-section of Muslims are accepting Jesus Christ. "Young and old, educated and not educated, males and females, even those who are fanatic."

One fanatic Muslim who came to faith in Jesus Christ is Samer Achmad Muhammed. He studied for years to become a Wahhabi sheik, one of the most virulent forms of Islam. He hated Christians and the church, but his heart changed when he heard the Gospel.

"I dedicated my life to Jesus Christ, Jesus forgave me for my sins,” he said. “He gave me eternal life and peace. And the second thing, I really suffered in my daily life, but I had peace, I had joy because Jesus entered my heart."

Muhammed is just one of many who are coming to Jesus. Several of our friends can testify that. Others have seen thousands of African Muslims receiving Jesus and getting baptized.

"It's probably the only place in the world where they are coming so quickly,” she said. “Many people are having dreams. They see Jesus appear to them. Probably half our pastors were leaders, imams in Moslem mosques. They were leaders in these mosques, now they're pastors."

Another significant evangelistic movement among Muslims links China and Jerusalem. Chinese house churches plan to send at least 100,000 evangelists from China through many predominantly Muslim nations all the back here to Jerusalem.
This quiet but powerful movement of itinerant evangelists is bringing the story of Jesus Christ into the heart of the Muslim world. Technologies like satellite television and the Internet also penetrate the world of Islam. But beyond technology, many say a supernatural dimension is at work throughout the Islamic world.

"There is an end-time phenomenon that is happening through dreams and visions," said Christine Darg, author of The Jesus Visions: Signs and Wonders in the Muslim World. “He is going into the Muslim world and revealing, particularly, the last 24 hours of His life - how He died on the cross, which Islam does not teach - how He was raised from the dead, which Islam also does not teach – and how He is the Son of God, risen in power."

"We receive lots of letters about people who have had dreams about the Lord, visions, even miracles,” Shaheen said. “When they watch the program, they say yes, we had a dream or a vision, and they accept Jesus as Lord."

But Muslims who accept Jesus face persecution, discrimination or even death. Despite the dangers, many continue to live out their faith and lead others to Jesus Christ.

"Jesus loves all people, Jesus changes all people and Jesus is the One who places love and peace,” Shaheen said. “I was not like this but Jesus changed my life and I am not scared to talk about Jesus because praise is unto Him."

Some believe the Church's response to jihad must be a fearless proclamation of the Gospel to Muslims. Through prayer and evangelism, many see an unparalleled opportunity for the Gospel.

"I anticipate that very soon – perhaps within two or three years-we are going to see the greatest harvest in history," Shaheen said.
If you would like to pray for the Muslim world and that many more of them receive Christ get in touch with us and help us to reach the Muslims for Christ!

2009年11月2日 星期一

7 Strategic and 7 Specific Requests for 7 Days

7 Biblical Principles of Prayer
1. A pure heart and right motives are requirements for effective prayer. Psalm 66:18, James 4:3.
2. Sincere faith demonstrated in diligent prayer pleases the Father and brings important results. James 1:6, Hebrews 11:6
3. We are commanded to pray for all men and their salvation. 1 Timothy 2:1-4
4. Jesus Christ gives each of us the responsibility to pray for laborers for the
spiritual harvest. Matthew 9:38
5. Prayer in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ is effective and powerful, to the
glory of God the Father. John 14:13-14.
6. It'important for us to come to God regarding the strategic hurdles and opportunities of this ministry. Psalm 2:8, John 17:20
7. God cares about the smallest tactical components of this ministry, and hears us as we bring them to Him in prayer. 1 Corinthians 10:31, 1 Thessalonians 5:16-25

Praise Items:
1. Praise the Lord for providing 100 percent of Brittany Wiitala’s prayer and financial support! Brittany left for Odessa, Ukraine, on Oct. 8.
2. Praise God for the completion of the new buildings at the Black Sea Camp in
Odessa before winter weather begins.
3. The first medical missions team visited the Red Window area in Ukraine and was well received. Praise the Lord for the seeds that were planted.
4. Fifteen new students are beginning the Continuing Education Program at Kremenchuk
Regional Bible College. God is at work in a mighty way!
5. Praise God for the more than 100 Chinese who came to Christ in Eurasia in 2009!
7. Rejoice in the Lord for the provision of temporary residency permits for several
missionaries serving in Russia. Thank the Lord that significantly more progress has been made on the Kiev Theological Seminary construction project than was anticipated with the funds from the matching grant.

Strategic Prayer: November/December 2009
1. We need many, many more effective missionaries to assist our national partners in the Eurasia harvest field. Let’s earnestly seek God to provide!
2. Ask God to give great wisdom to SEND’s International Director Warren Janzen and his wife, Dorothy.
3. Continue to pray that God will provide temporary residency permits for the remaining missionaries in Russia.
4.Salvation Church in Ulan Ude continues to progress in its building project. Ask the Lord to provide the remaining funds needed to complete the building.
5. Ask the Lord to give wisdom, clarity of mind and boldness of speech to our missionaries who are studying Russian, Ukrainian, Kazak and Buryat.
6. Pray for protection, spiritual vigor and great wisdom for leaders at all levels of the evangelical churches in Eurasia. Plans often do not go as expected.
Pray that our missionaries would find joy in being flexible and that they would see God’s sovereign hand in everything He brings to pass as they serve Him.

2009年10月1日 星期四

An Update on Chinese Churches in Japan 2009

Lausanne World Pulse - By Huang An Shi

In recent years, the frequency of natural disasters and human-made tragedies in Japan has noticeably increased. Abnormal weather phenomena such as the typhoon or the seven-magnitude earthquakes in Niigata, Hokkaido, and Sendai have caused great loss in human lives and countless damage in personal properties. Moreover, there have been social problems, such as innocent school children being kidnapped and killed and adolescents killing their parents or family members. There have even been a few cases of killing or hurting innocent bystanders without any motive.

There are now twenty-four Chinese churches in
Japan—about 1,400 Christians total.

The world has also been heavily hit by the financial tsunami—and each country has faced its own economic crises. After the economy collapsed in 1995, Japan learned its lessons. For the past decade many large companies have tried to keep their profit margins by laying off employees. Many young people have not been able to find suitable jobs, thus losing hope for the future. They have either lived in fear or dreamed of gaining wealth without hard work. The situation had been causing many social problems.

In spite of the unstable economy, the Japanese are people who care about the details, and they put great consideration into planning their work ahead of time. Many high-tech industries hold unique and superior technologies. Therefore, the common assumption is that Japan’s economy will gradually recover and people from other countries will again flow into Japan. This will also bring in more Chinese people from China, Taiwan, and other neighbor countries. It is our duty as the Chinese Church to be ready to share the gospel to this new group of Chinese.

Openness to Christianity
Today, the Japanese younger generation is more willing to accept Chinese culture and to learn Chinese than they have been in the past. This is because many companies have moved their manufacturing section to China. However, the changes in the economic situation have created many job opportunities for Chinese here as well. And because of their hard work and perseverance, they can be found in many work fields.

According to immigration statistics, in 2007 there were 606,889 Chinese living in Japan (including 42,124 people from Taiwan and 3,567 people from Hong Kong). Compare this with 2006 and we see an eight percent increase in numbers. In 2007, more than seventy-three percent of people lived in or near a large city; sixty-nine percent were between the ages of twenty and thirty-nine.

Recently, the number of churches has increased. There are now twenty-four Chinese churches in Japan—about 1,400 Christians total. Each church has an average of fifty people (the biggest has about four hundred people). Most are either in or near a big city, such as Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya, Osaka, or Kobe. There are also a small number of Chinese-speaking congregations in churches established by westerners, Koreans, or Japanese. But the number is unconfirmed.

The reason for the growing number of churches is that both existing churches actively involved in spreading the gospel and many foreign missionaries put their efforts into this mission field. Other people organize Bible studies in their homes or workplaces.

It has become clear to some churches that it is not easy to find suitable pastors. About four to five years ago some churches began to co-work with a local seminary which shared the same vision and beliefs. The extended seminary classes were created for people who were called to work in the mission field in Japan.

Challenges Lie Ahead
Due to high living costs, there are only a few overseas missionary organizations here in Japan, and their major target is the Japanese. Therefore, the responsibility to spread the gospel to the Chinese is placed upon our own shoulders.

國際差傳協會10月份Intercede & SEND代禱信

1 加拿大:今天是加拿大辦公室新的會計年度的開始。感謝主在過去這一年裡豐盛的供應;我們除了滿心盼望新年度裡主對我們的帶領,也把每位同工財務上的需要,交託仰望主。
2 哈薩克,薩蘭 :新會期的全國訓練師培育大會(TNT)課程於今日開始。求聖靈作工在參與課程中的學員,幫助他們勇於接受新裝備的挑戰並且能致力於把所學的傳承下一代,以養成有紀律的神國子民為目標。
3 東亞:一位台灣的牧師正在這地區拜訪交流。這次參訪及也可能為兩地的教會合一與連結打開了一扇大門。請代禱。
4 台灣,潭子:長久以來祖先崇拜一直是華人社會中重要的文化,台灣也不例外。請為以下的慕道友禱告:Awei, Pamela, Allison,Maggie, Florence, Tony Naomi及Grace。求主帶領他們能勝過這樣的家族壓力。
5 俄羅斯,柏力市: Ken Guenther 將從10/5-23在位於柏力市的東俄聖經書院任教。請主賜下智慧以及敏銳的靈在與學生溝通上;另外,Ken也期望可以順利賣出差傳協會所持有在此地的公寓。
6 北差傳協會: 10/6-8位於白馬鎮,將匯聚及來自育空地區及阿拉斯加西北部的北差傳協會宣教士。這場聚會的主要目的是希望透過代禱來互相鼓舞與會的弟兄姊妹,並且激盪出策略性的計畫。請為大家旅途平安代禱,並有敏銳的心思跟隨聖靈。
7 科索沃:感謝主差派許多團隊來幫忙夏季營會的活動。他們已完成恩典小屋的建造,以方便迎接將於冬天時進駐的較大型團隊;也感謝讚美主透過這些團隊所彰顯的愛,願他的話語成為這地區人的的盼望。
8 西班牙,Azuqueca: Azqueca教會的秋季活動即將展開,包括兒童主日學校以及週五夜晚兒童俱樂部。請為Cindy及Becky Nordgren的返國述職代禱。他們此行返回美國的目的,是要向所贊助的教會報告他們在此地及全西班牙的事工。
9 俄羅斯,烏蘭‧烏德: 救贖教會的建堂需要充足的財務以及人力來完成,求主賜福。
10 日本,涉谷區,:Paul和Carol Suzuki 將於每週六為東京地區高中生舉辦HiBA訓練。求主能興起日本新生代來快跑跟隨祂,並且在日常生活中勇敢為主做見證。
11 日本,Ome-shi,東京:今天是多摩聖經研讀小屋歡慶49週年的紀念日。求主繼續以祂的大能賜下恩膏在「基督的新世代」的事工中;也求主祝福這項事工所需的一切資金。
12 東亞,東亞團隊: Barry 將於本月開始教學事工;另外,Eva與她在澳門新教堂的會址正在進行整修。他們計劃於11月的第一個週日搬入。 請位以上三項代禱。
13 菲律賓,馬尼拉: 包括Longs家族、Tony Book 及Melody Kuka 在內的差傳協會同工正在信心學院服事。這學院是由多元文化背景的老師、學生和職員組成,求主能在這樣的環境中,興起合一的靈來翻轉學校屬靈的空氣。
14 烏克蘭,基輔:本月基輔神學院的新生將展開基要課程的學習。求主賜下堅固的信心來幫助他們,也保守他們在遠方的家人安全。重要的是這些新生能竭力活出主的樣式
15 日本: Arthur和Meg Kraol 正要前往日本服事。求主引導已與日本教會建立關係的在美當地教會來開啟溝通的鑰匙。希望主感動這些教會的牧者、長執跟會眾一起來為日本宣教努力。
16 俄羅斯,利佩茨克: 感謝主豐盛的恩典,Blanchards、Mcbrides以及Zuks三位傳教士已順利取得為期三年的居留證。
17 波蘭,奧波萊: 第二屆福音音樂研習營與演奏會將於10/17-18舉行。這是一項結合當地福音派教會的外展活動。請為參與的未信者禱告,求聖靈透過音樂親自向他們說話;並感動他們有意願參加後續的查經小組。
18 菲律賓,馬尼拉: 差傳協會的菲律賓同工們將於今、明兩天聚集在一起。求主幫助與會者的身心靈能在主愛中獲得釋放重新得力,並且也為辦公室未來的異象一同作規劃。求主幫助同工們能有屬天的智慧作下每個決定。
19 動員行動,美國與加拿大辦公室: 這各月將有許多基督學院舉辦宣教大會,而差傳協會是負責週末學生退休會。求主賜下極美的交流在參與當中的學生以及差傳代表;此外,也求主呼招他的工人來加入屬靈的豐收的行列。
20 哈薩克,薩蘭: Howard 和Joyce Botterill 在九月初接了哈薩克團隊組長的職務。求主幫助他們不但在生活上能適應良好,並且有屬天的智慧與異象來帶領團隊的方向。也求主繼續做工在哈薩克的屬靈復興上。
21 日本,國分寺市: Jonathan和Maki Robinson 正在Tama Plaza教會服事;Jon的服事對象主要是青少年,求主賜下諸般智慧與長久耐心來與他們相處。另一方面,Maki也將在12月生下他們的第一個孩子,求主保守在這期間母子均安。
22 烏克蘭,基輔:由基輔神學院為學生舉辦的女性特會,將於今日開始。請為與會的姐妹們禱告,願他們可以在主大能中重新得力,與主的關係可以更穩固,並把這樣火熱愛主的心帶回她們所在的社區,來激勵更多人親近主。
23 台灣,台中: Brenda Chan 是一位香港來台的宣教士。求主幫助她在生活的適應上可以順利,包括找合適的公寓、學習中文以及熟識環境。
24 捷克共和國,布拉格: Mike和Cindy Yurkovich 正負責設立一所位在農業大學裡的語言中心。這間中心的成立是包含於名為開拓新教會計劃的一部分;其宗旨是把中心當作和當地未信者的橋樑,帶領他們認識救主耶穌。
25 中歐南部: Andrew和Alanna Brown 現正打算回美國幾個月。此行是希望透過參訪及研究能有新的策略,並也藉機與當地教會建立關係。更要緊的是,能有機會與差傳的教會進行更深入的溝通。請為此禱告。
26 克羅埃西亞: 請為Justin與Beth Ortiz 禱告:他們需要主的智慧來引導,有能力與這地區的人民互動,可以把文化差異的溝通不良降至最低;並且也求主幫助他們可以用流暢無誤的當地語言溝通。
27 西班牙,瓜達拉哈拉:感謝主METAS團隊終於有屬於自己的大樓可以使用。請持續為剩餘的款項禱告,也求主幫助我們能善盡好管家的職分, 有效且忠心的使用這棟充滿祝福的新大樓。
28 烏克蘭,克列緬丘格: 克列緬丘格聖經學院正歡慶其建校15週年。在這榮耀的時刻,學院同時完成興建一棟新學生宿舍、幾間辦公室以及一棟藏書豐富的圖書館。感謝主豐盛的祝福,也期盼主更大大使用聖經學院來培育更多神國的工人。
29 穆斯林事工: 感謝主的恩典,日間照顧中心已完工且正式啟用。希望透過許多的照護以及教育活動,來彰顯神的愛。最近有許多的弟兄姊妹因研讀啟示錄而被主挑戰,要求他們能學習把主放在生活中的第一位。請為賜代禱。
30 東亞: Kimmy 正在從事語言和文化研究;請求主賜下智慧與耐心在她學習的過程中。並且有從神而來極大的愛來服事當地人。
(31) INTERNATIONAL, Ken Guenther, Next month our Area Directors meet 11/9-13. Our training topic is spiritual discernment as we make decisions corporately. Pray that our ADs will grow in their ability to lead their councils to discern God’s will in all ministry decisions they face.

2009年8月3日 星期一

"Intercede and SEND" 國際差傳協會9月份代禱信


在經過多方禱告後,Don和Esther Parsons將離開哈薩克返回美國。此行是為了孩子們能有較好的教育而作的決定。請為此事代禱並且求主保守哈薩克團隊在經歷人事的調整上能有良好的適應。


Howard及 Joyce Botterill於今日抵達哈薩克來接替 Parsons的事工。請為差傳協會秋天的事工進行順利禱告;也求主賜下智慧幫助Howard和 Joyce能儘快適應當地生活。





來自差傳協會的兩位動員者(mobilizer),美國的Ron Hardy和菲律賓的James正Aberin在參訪Kazakhstan。他們看見主許多奇妙的公正運行在這地;求主膏抹他們的口,讓聽到他們故事的人會說:「我在這兒,請差遣我。」


請為加拿大動員行動小組禱告,其成員包括Amy, Dan, Lynn, Albere, Martyn和 Merla。這小組預計在這學期招募生力軍,求主引導帶領。

美國差傳協會於今日匯集各部門的2009-2010年度預算報告,將統一交付財政委員會審查。財政委員會將提報美國議會(US Council)等待通過。新的會計年度將於10/1開始,我們深信主的供應必是豐盛的。




Jerry 和 Kellie Benge 最近才抵達烏克蘭的語言學校。請為他們在生活及語言的適應以及轉變上代禱。求主賜下屬天的智慧與能力來面對未來的困難;同時也把他們在美國剛成年的孩子們交托在主手中。




烏克蘭差傳協會正和當地一名牧師,Nicholae Ponomerov,合作一同訓練當地人加入宣教士的行列。求主賜下合一的靈能讓事工順利。


請為Gerrie和 Casina Castillo所服事的團隊禱告:希望同工都能敏銳於聖靈的引導;也盼望主不僅能堅固教會而且也挑望弟兄姊妹服事的熱情;再者祈求主保守青年團契的成長進而吸引更多年輕人來認識主。

Rick Kirschman 將與同工討論專為牧者以及教會同工辦理的遠距教學方案。這些人因工作關係而無法參加正常的CBSR聖經訓練中心課程;此方案將提供電腦課程、指派工作以及一位監督者。求主賜下智慧給與會同工能作出適合的決定。









2009年6月12日 星期五

Our Internal Mission-Prayer RequestsJune六月2009

「你怎樣差我到世上、我也照樣差他們到世上 。」(約 翰 福 音 17:18)


1. Mission Camp at the Wesley Camp. Shi-lin, Taipei: 26-28.June. The SEND Sending Council will be there with representatives at certain times. Pray for this time and may God direct the steps of those who ask for a place in mission.
2. Pray for the preparation of this time at the Camp. Prayer Group invitation cards, DVD’s and copies of other information courses are currently being developed.
3. Rev. Benjamin Yu visitation this summer. He is graduating and will be coming to Taiwan this summer to explore the LORD’s will for his future ministry.
4. Japan. Tina Lin is going to have a busy summer. May the LORD of LORD’s help her in her Japanese and in the various responsibilities at her language internship church.
5. The SEND Sending Office: Our secretary Nancy can not continue to serve us as mission secretary. We are very sorry for this. The “Taiwan Missionary Fellowship” (TMF) office needs her fully to do the work. We are praying for a new secretary, who could fill in the vacant place. (if you have suggestions call Pastor Tang 04 2473 7528)
6. Denmark Chinese Church Teaching Ministry: Dr. Hong is already in Copenhagen and will stay there for two month. He is asking for prayer. He is serving a Chinese church with teaching and in pastoral needs. The church is praying and looking for a (Mandarin speaking) pastor.
7. Bulgaria Short Term Ministry: The four head team is preparing and has met already under the team leadership of Ruth Harbour (who was there last year) to pray and get advise for the preparation of the Chinese kids evangelistic amp in Sofia. Currently the team is waiting for the visa to come from Shanghai. May the office in Shanghai be faster than last year! Pray for many kids coming and that many of them get saved!

Internal News:
 The SEND media department in Farmington decided to try sending us the international prayer letter “Intercede and SEND” as a pdf file on a monthly basis. This prayer letter is helpful to not concentrate on Taiwan only. We are an international body and bear each other in daily prayer. (I will forward this file to those of the monthly Taipei mission prayer meeting).
 Next Taipei Mission Prayer Meeting: JULY 20th! 7.00-8.15 P.M.

2009年6月11日 星期四

6月26日(五)上午~28日(日)下午 陽明山衛理福音園

6月26日(五)上午~28日(日)下午 陽明山衛理福音園
8:40-10:10 10:00-10:30
10:30-11:00 開幕式:宣教你我他,彭臧玉芝師母
11:00-12:00 放眼看世界
14:00-17:30 親臨其境 Debriefing分組回應感想
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(含詩歌) 快樂宣教人1:見證:翁嘉音姐妹
19:50-20:30 培靈信息 李健長老
20:45-21:30 小組星光夜語
8:40-10:10 成為宣教人, -確認呼召、恩賜及裝備,胡蘊玉牧師、杜正夫牧師、靳炎珠姐妹
10:30-12:00 愛網重重,-建立支持系統,王寓文長老、周姐妹、莊育靖傳道

14:00-15:30: 知己知彼,-認識:差會、工場、事奉型態,林應安牧師、邱顯正牧師、黃少娟宣教士

-跨文化宣教挑戰,石明理宣教士, 包瑞珠宣教士、陳紫蘭宣教士, 快樂宣教人2:見證:李衍煬牧師, 培靈信息 蔡國山牧師, 小組星光夜語
8:40-10:10 主日崇拜、擘餅彭懷冰牧師
10:30-11:00 宣教禱告會
11:00-12:00 閉幕式:模擬差派禮
中午: 異國風味餐Banquet


2009年6月4日 星期四

基 督 教 國 際 差 傳 協 會 短 宣 隊 推 薦 表

基 督 教 國 際 差 傳 協 會
短 宣 隊 推 薦 表

申請人姓名: 年齡: 性別:
所屬教會: 服事職稱:
一、 您認識申請者有多久?
二、 請簡略評估申請者的:
1. 健康情況
2. 社交能力
3. 品格
4. 執行工作的能力
5. 完成工作的能力
6. 對他人需要的敏銳感
7. 情緒的穩定
8. 受教的心
9. 團隊精神
10. 對權威的態度
三、 您認為申請者有何恩賜?
四、 申請者若已婚,請略述其婚姻與家庭關係
五、 您對申請者參加短宣後,有何期望?
六、 您對申請者的其它評語:

牧者簽名: 填表日期:
(請您將推薦表直接寄至:台中市郵政信箱63-44號 國際差傳協會-差傳部 收 / Tel: (04)2422-0725)

Choosing the Right Focus to Serve in the Kingdom

Welcome to pray with us and hear more! Contact: send.ea.cm@gmail.com or find us on facebook.